Holy shit, this chick did more than just stab him for jerking off;
When the Wisconsin woman, 23, arrived home from work yesterday afternoon, she discovered her boyfriend "watching pornography on the TV and masturbating," according to a La Crosse Police Department report. Chagrined, Ferrara argued with Christopher Strabley, 24, called him a "fucking cheater," and kicked him in the groin. Ferrara then allegedly grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed Strabley in the abdomen. Strabley told cops that she then told him, "You deserve it," while continuing to slash away
It must be really lonely up on that pedestal lady. Thank God most women are more sane than this bitch, otherwise the picture above would have gotten me killed numerous times.
Hell I am going to risk my life with that picture as soon as I finish this post, and then maybe do it again ten minutes after that.
That's how I roll.
Link to the story;